Megan Lenihan, MSW


I am an East Nashvillian, mom, and advocate for truly inclusive communities.  When my son was diagnosed with Williams Syndrome as an infant, I was overwhelmed by grief and the uncertainty of the path ahead.  Like many of you, I had no idea where to begin.  This was not the parenthood journey I had prepared for.  

Thanks to a supportive spouse, family, friends, and access to resources, I began to piece my new normal together.  The masters of social work I earned from Loyola University Chicago in 2014 became useful in an unexpected way. My professional skills and passion for advocacy collided with my son’s care.  I quickly realized that I was not the only one struggling to manage the many specialists, therapists, teachers, government entities, insurance providers, and growing list of stakeholders in my child’s life.  Motivated to make this process easier for families, I graduated from the Volunteer Advocacy Project at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center in 2019 and also became a volunteer surrogate for Metro Nashville Public Schools in 2021.  I have established a trusted network of individuals who serve this community well and I am passionate about connecting those people with the families who need them.  

I have experienced the grief that comes with an unexpected diagnosis for my child.  I have also experienced the joy that comes with seeing my son exceed our expectations.  He is our greatest gift and a gift to all who get to know him.  Raising a child with a disability is most manageable when we take a holistic approach.  I founded Tulip to create a space for families to bring all of their moving pieces and find their village.  You do not have to do this alone and I can’t wait to join you on your journey. 

Fun Facts

My husband, Mark, and I have three children: William (5), Frankie (3) and Jackie (1). I love to run and I’m a firm believer in exercising with friends to manage stress and maintain social connections.  Soccer is my favorite sport and I hope my kiddos love it as much as I do.  You’ll often find our family hanging out on playgrounds, exploring kid friendly restaurants, playing with neighbors, and doing our best to find a little balance amidst the chaos.  I was born and raised in San Diego, CA, enjoyed many cities in between, and we began calling Nashville home in 2016.