How We Can Help

  • New Diagnosis Navigation or Seeking a Diagnosis

    *Receiving a new diagnosis for your child may feel like you're navigating a whole new world. You don’t have to do it alone. Tulip has established a trusted network of professionals who serve this community well. We have been through this personally and professionally many times. Let us use our network and expertise to create a personalized road map for your family. We promise to point out the tulips in the hardest of times.

    *Searching for a diagnosis for your child can feel lonely and unsettling. Perhaps you are observing your child develop at a different rate from their peers, but you’re struggling to find answers and support without a diagnosis. Let us join you on your journey. We strive to connect you with providers who are champions for families feeling overlooked.

  • School Transition

    Finding the right school for your child who needs an Individualized Education Plan can feel overwhelming. Whether your child is graduating from a beloved school or you are planning a transfer in hopes of finding a better fit, Tulip can be your guide. Together, we can consider all of your options (public, private, charter or homeschool), prepare appropriate applications, schedule tours and secure the necessary evaluations prior to the school year. Let us help you get organized and feel in control of this transition.

  • IEP Support

    Whether you’re brand new to the IEP world or it’s something you’ve been navigating for many years, we love to partner with families through every step of the process. Our founder, Megan is a graduate of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center’s Volunteer Advocacy Project, experienced advocate and mother of a child with an IEP. Ways we help:

    *Basic overview of IEPs and IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)

    *Reviewing your child’s IEP with you: creating and editing goals, role playing and ultimately empowering you to be your own best advocate

    *IEP advocacy – attend IEP meetings with you or refer you to appropriate attorneys

  • Other Ways We Support You

    There are many other ways in which Tulip can support your family. We guide families through:

    *understanding Medicaid waivers such as Katie Beckett

    *crisis management

    *future planning

    *Mental health support

    Still not sure if you fit a category? Schedule a free 15 minute consult today!