


Option One

  • Includes two 50 minute meetings that will end with clear action steps to reach your families goals.

  • Your first meeting will be an overview of your family’s needs and the ways in which Tulip can help  

  • Your second meeting, Tulip will provide a personalized plan that will connect you with appropriate resources and empower you to advocate for your child.



Option Two

  • Includes five 50 minute meetings, everything in option one, plus three additional meetings to complete action steps as a team. 

  • The structure of the meetings will vary depending on the service area you have identified.  Some examples MAY include: discussing information Tulip gathered on your behalf beyond scheduled sessions, completing applications and making phone calls together, reviewing IEPs, attending IEP meetings, or detailed problem solving 



Option Three

  • Includes ten 50 minute meetings, everything in option two, plus five additional meetings to personalize your family’s care.

  • This package is designed to allow care coordination on an ongoing basis.  This may look like an extension of services provided in Option two as well as support with ongoing life administration regarding your child’s appointments and files. 

Financial Assistance

We never want cost to be a barrier for your family in receiving support. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss payment plans or pro bono services.